I'm sure in a few places on the web you'll be able to read any number of "back to life, back to reality" articles/comments about the Atlanta Hawks. They will not be completely off base because let's face it, the Hawks have been playing over their head's since they lost Josh Smith. He is no worse than their second best player and we would have been foolish to assume that the Hawks would not start to miss him at some point. That point just happened to come 2 games later than expected.
Josh is not the best defender in the league, however he is at least a presence that gives opposing players pause when thinking about assaulting the lane. Lately if an opposing player (insert guard name here) is able to get past his initial defender (insert Hawks guard name here) he has by all accounts a clean shot at the rim and if Acie Law is anywhere around he has a free throw attempt to follow said shot.
Nothing against Solo, but he is no Josh Smith.
Randolph Morris wouldn't even be on this team were it not for the fact that our big men are dropping like flies. He's a big body and nothing more. He has no emotions at all, none whatsoever. I've never seen someone look so stoic about every situation. He's probably one hell of a poker player though. When he's not sitting on the bench staring blankly at the goings on in front of him, he's on the court wandering around committing fouls with very little effort. People keep telling me to give him a chance, so I'll wait.......
Marvin Williams has been really good thus far, but he's no Josh.
We all know how much I love Al, I will not say one bad word about him. My hopes for Al include him becoming the next Tim Duncan, and possibly the father of my children. (I'm joking for those of you who aren't regular visitors) My little brother thinks only one of those two things is possible. I'll let you guess which one.
I miss Josh, they miss Josh. I'm sure that's something we can all agree on.
Uh, Co Co..your hopes for al horford are quite unsettling. i understand that you're trying to be clever but still.
But which one is more unsettling?
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